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Ecological genomics predicts climate vulnerability in an endangered Southwestern songbird. (in press)


Genotyping-by-sequencing of genome-wide microsatellite loci reveals fine-scale harvest composition in a coastal Atlantic salmon fishery. (2018)

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Genomic divergence across ecological gradients in the Central African rainforest songbird (Andropadus virens). (2017)

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Genetic assignment with isotopes and habitat suitability (GAIAH), a Migratory Bird Case Study. (2017)

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Genetic and individual assignment of tetraploid green sturgeon with SNP assay data. (2017)

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Purging putative siblings from population genetic data sets: a cautionary view. (2017)

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Abundance estimates and confidence intervals for the run composition of returning salmonids. (2017)

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parallelnewhybrid: an R package for the parallelization of hybrid detection using NEWHYBRIDS. (2017)

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Close-kin mark-recapture. (2016)

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Bayesian pedigree inference with small numbers of single nucleotide polymorphisms via a factor-graph representation. (2016)

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Genetic stock composition of marine bycatch reveals disproportional impacts on depleted river herring genetic stocks. (2015)

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Stock composition and ocean spatial distribution inference from California recreational Chinook salmon fisheries using genetic stock identification. (2015)

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The invasion of an Atlantic Ocean river basin in Patagonia by Chinook salmon: new insights from SNPs. (2015)

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Interpreting the flock algorithm from a statistical perspective. (2015)

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Fauna crime: elucidating the potential source and introduction history of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus L.) into Lake Storsjoen, Norway. (2015)

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Mapping migration in a songbird using high-resolution genetic markers. (2014)

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A role for migration-linked genes and genomic islands in divergence of a songbird. (2014)

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Evaluation of a single nucleotide polymorphism baseline for genetic stock identifi cation of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the California Current large marine ecosystem.. (2014)

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Comment on `Bayesian parentage analysis with systematic accountability of genotyping error, missing data and false matching'. (2014)

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Next-generation sequencing for molecular ecology: a caveat regarding pooled samples. (2014)

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Population Structure of Steelhead in Coastal California. (2014)

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Use of Genetic Stock Identification Data for Comparison of the Ocean Spatial Distribution, Size at Age, and Fishery Exposure of an Untagged Stock and Its Indicator: California Coastal versus Klamath River Chinook Salmon. (2014)

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Large-scale parentage analysis reveals reproductive patterns and heritability of spawn timing in a hatchery population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). (2013)

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A validation of parentage-based tagging using hatchery steelhead in the Snake River basin. (2013)

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Long-term population size of the North Atlantic humpback whale within the context of worldwide population structure. (2013)

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Large-scale parentage inference with SNPs: an efficient algorithm for statistical confidence of parent pair allocations. (2012)

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Differences in timing of migration and response to sexual signalling drive asymmetric hybridization across a migratory divide. (2012)

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A new version of PRT software for sibling groups reconstruction with comments regarding several issues in the sibling reconstruction problem. (2012)

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Application of a method for estimating effective population size and admixture using diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs): implications for conservation of threatened Paiute cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii seleniris) in Silver King Creek, California. (2011)

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Small founding number and low genetic diversity in an introduced species exhibiting limited invasion success (speckled dace, Rhinichthys osculus). (2011)

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Evidence for the existence of a native population of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and subsequent introgression with introduced populations in a Pacific Northwest watershed. (2011)

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Steelhead growth in a small central California watershed: upstream and estuarine rearing patterns. (2008)

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Hybridization between spring-and fall-run Chinook salmon returning to the Trinity River, California. (2008)

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Assessing the power of informative subsets of loci for population assignment: standard methods are upwardly biased. (2010)

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Are Antarctic minke whales unusually abundant because of 20th century whaling?. (2010)

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Polyploid microsatellite data reveal stock complexity among estuarine North American green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris). (2009)

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Over the falls? Rapid evolution of ecotypic differentiation in steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). (2009)

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Multiple paternity increases effective population size. (2009)

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The influence of family groups on inferences made with the program Structure. (2008)

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Population genetic structure and ancestry of Oncorhynchus mykiss populations above and below dams in south-central California. (2009)

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Bayesian inference of species hybrids using multilocus dominant genetic markers. (2008)

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An improved method for predicting the accuracy of genetic stock identification. (2008)

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Estimation of the number of individuals founding colonized populations. (2007)

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Multiple paternity in viviparous kelp rockfish, Sebastes atrovirens. (2008)

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The power of single nucleotide polymorphisms for large-scale parentage inference. (2006)

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An efficient Monte Carlo method for estimating Ne from temporally spaced samples using a coalescent-based likelihood. (2005)

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High levels of statistical uncertainty in gametic recapture estimates of male abundance in humpback whales. (2005)


spip 1.0: a program for simulating pedigrees and genetic data in age-structured populations. (2005)

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Population-genetic basis of haplotype blocks in the 5q31 region. (2004)

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Orr's quantitative trait loci sign test under conditions of trait ascertainment. (2003)


Finding haplotype block boundaries by using the minimum-description-length principle. (2003)

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A model-based method for identifying species hybrids using multilocus genetic data. (2002)


Improving the estimation of bacterial allele frequencies. (2001)


Monte Carlo evaluation of the likelihood for Ne from temporally spaced samples. (2000)
